Tuesday, December 16, 2014
A New Beginning.
Entry No. 30
"The End."
It has been a long semester for me. I have been through a lot. I have greatly enjoyed this blog, and it has in some ways challenged me. I love a good challenge. I do not know if I will continue to blog, but if I do I might blog about my interests. I won't be to different then this blog. I have learned a great deal about and in keeping this blog, and the foremost is how useful Google is. Overall it has been a good semester, but this is not the end. It is simply a new beginning.
The Best and Worst
Entry No. 29
"What was your best and worst Christmas gift?
I can't name the worst Christmas gift I've had, but I can name the worst experience I've had with a Christmas gift. I received this huge Lego castle, and that day my dad put it together. The next morning as I woke up I watched my castle fall to the floor and shatter to pieces, and having screamed at my little brother the Legos were taken away. The castle was never rebuilt. Now my best gift I got was the Christmas before my dad's passing. I opened a small present, and it was a deep bronze like pocket watch with an eagle on it. I often wear it as a necklace now.
"What was your best and worst Christmas gift?
I can't name the worst Christmas gift I've had, but I can name the worst experience I've had with a Christmas gift. I received this huge Lego castle, and that day my dad put it together. The next morning as I woke up I watched my castle fall to the floor and shatter to pieces, and having screamed at my little brother the Legos were taken away. The castle was never rebuilt. Now my best gift I got was the Christmas before my dad's passing. I opened a small present, and it was a deep bronze like pocket watch with an eagle on it. I often wear it as a necklace now.
Monday, December 8, 2014
The Last Question
Entry No. 28
"Explain what scout understands as she stands on the Radly porch."
She puts herself in Arthur's shoes. She sees the neighborhood the way he does. In her mind it is day time, and the neighbor hood is busy. She sees the past few seasons replay in her head, but they are from the perspective of Arthur. She sees how he watched them. She feels some kind of relationship with him, and is grateful for what he did. In the end she never saw him after that.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Entry No. 27
"What is your idea of Justice, and has it changed or not?"
For me Justice isn't an idea, but a thing. The root of it is the term Just, an attribute of God; and the end of it is Judgement. For me God is is the beginning and the end, and so he is the beginning and end of Justice. In the beginning everything was good, but God gave man Freewill. Man chose to be disobedience, and evil was consequential result. Evil is simply a lack of good. Justice is what God does to correct evil, and Judgement is when God make that correction.
Monday, December 1, 2014
A Few Good Story Ideas
Entry No. 26
Free Post
I mentioned in an earlier post that I have taken up writing. I have found that a book needs good details as much as a good plot. Here are some of the ideas I have come up with. A nation known as the Realm Between is inhabited by a group of people called the Men of the Mountain, and they use Renaissance era technology as compared to the rest of the world still using 12th century technology. Going on that note, a group called the world travelers right griffins as mounts that are bred in that area; the Men of the Mountain live in the remains of the city built by an old empire long ago. I have to remember many a times not to get caught up in the details though. However, I have had a lot of fun with just the few ideas.